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GoLanTec energietechniek is een geregistreerd HVAC installatiebedrijf en en bouwt energiebesparende HVAC oplossingen voor particulieren en industrie:

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Sensus Gas Regulator
Outlet 50psi
For main Gas,2",125#,ANSI FF, Flange
Inlet Pressure ,Outlet Pressure: 50 PSI Max.

sensus 4

sensus 5

Sensus 243-RPC Pilot-Operated Regulators

sensus 10
Sensus Regulator 243 RPC, 243 RPC-A, 243 RPC-B
Genuine, pilot-operated regulators use the same relay operation principle as the well-known 441-VPC. Use of this principle results in exceptionally precise regulation. The 243-RPC is accurate within ±0.5% absolute outlet pressure from minimum to wide-open flow.
Relay operation also minimizes the effects of inlet variations. Accuracy is largely unaffected by swings in inlet pressure.
The 243-RPC is made for fixed factoring, pressure factor measurement, pressure compensated metering and other applications requiring exceptionally precise pressure control. Wherever requirements call for maximum accuracy at minimum cost, the 243-RPC makes an excellent choice.
sensus 11

Sensus 243-RPC-A
sensus 13

Sensus 243-RPC-B

Sensus Model 243-RPC regulators are based on our rugged Model 243 regulator with a smaller, secondary control regulator that senses regulated pressure and then operates the main valve to control the overall flow of gas. They offer exceptionally precise regulation and are accurate to within ± 0.5% (absolute outlet pressure) from minimum to wide-open flow.
The 243-RPC pilot-operated regulator is designed for fixed factoring, pressure factor measurement, pressure compensated metering and other applications requiring exceptionally precise pressure control. Although these regulators are used mainly for natural gas service, they perform equally well with LP gas, nitrogen, air, dry CO2 and other inert gases.

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"Nous n’héritons pas la terre de nos ancêtres, nous l’empruntons à nos enfants"              Antoine de St-Exupéry  

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© 2025 GoLanTec energietechniek | Oudenaardseweg 123 | B 9790 Wortegem-Petegem | Tel: 055 310242 Fax: 055 310242 | golantec@gmail.com



Versie laatst bewerkt op 2/07/2024

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